10 Sep,

IRONMAN 70.3 World Champ Day!

I write this live as I am getting ready for the race. It’s a big day, culmination of months of training and a very long trip from Hong Kong to Chicago to Nashville then drive to Chattanooga.

Sarah has been amazingly helpful these past 3 days. Rushing through breakfast now, racing suit is on, water with carbs ready, nutrition ready.

Leaving hotel at 6am, preparing the bike in the transition area then swim start at 738am. Number 1371!

It’s going to be a tough race, current on the swim and long hills on the bike with 3000ft positive climb.

But looking forward to it all!! Game on.








2 thoughts on “IRONMAN 70.3 World Champ Day!”

  1. Dan B says:

    You are “Good to Go”, my friend. Good luck!!

  2. Patrick Koslowski says:

    Go Ben! Good luck.
    Just remember how tough the ridge to high camp was and how bloody cold some nights were. And how you “lost” your food bag….You are so ready for this.

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